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What brought you here?

You’re probably looking for answers.

Maybe you’ve been struggling with symptoms that you can no longer ignore, have multiple (seemingly) unrelated health issues, or just don’t feel like “you” anymore.

Perhaps you’ve been trying your best, but are overwhelmed with all the health info.

I know, it’s confusing.

If you want to dig deeper, I want to help.

As the only Naturopathic Doctor in the west of Scotland, I love explaining and educating people on how their body works, and where and why it might need some support.

I am trained as a primary care health professional* and truly believe in the wisdom of the body and its capacity to return to wholeness. It is my job to help you understand and untangle your symptoms, so we can illuminate and resolve the root cause(s).

Because there’s a big gap between ill health and full, vibrant living.

Stress overload? I’m going to ask about appetite.

Hormonal issues? We need to talk bowel movements.

Skin problems? I’m going to bring up boundaries and liver health.

*Please note that I am not a GMC-registered and licenced doctor, and do not practise allopathic medicine in the UK



Years in ayrshire

Based in Prestwick, South Ayrshire, Scotland.



to charity

Every quarter 5% of all profits are recycled back into the community to a charity or social enterprise working to improve the lives of others.


My main areas of focus are: Digestion, Stress and Mental Health


What is naturopathic medicine?

Naturopathic medicine is evidence-informed healthcare, offering treatments that are deeply rooted in traditional wisdom and supported by scientific research. Taking into account the big picture and small details, I love using herbal medicine, acupuncture, homeopathy, visceral manipulation, spinal adjustments, food and nutrition, and vitamins to help you heal from the ground up.

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Nice to meet you


I’m Heather.

I love kale, wild swimming and listening to people’s stories.

Originally from Canada, I’ve been living and practicing on Scotland’s west coast for over five years.

Naturopathic medicine isn’t my first career. I was drawn to it after working as an airline pilot, and having a quarter-life crisis and numerous health struggles. I’ll be honest, natural remedies weren’t the whole answer, but they were a huge part of my journey. And through naturopathic medicine I was able to gain an understanding - both of what was going on and how I could influence it. This was huge, because information is empowering. I am so grateful that I now get to educate and empower others to navigate their own paths.


Over 6 years ill and at my wits end, I finally found out about Heather (my last hope). Being ignored and dismissed continuously from GP's, I was so nervous. Heather sat, listened and more importantly heard what I was saying. We have started my journey and still some way to go, yet one detailed visit and I have felt a bit better. Heather just makes you so comfortable and at ease. I will continue to do as instructed and get to my goal of my health being so much better. "

JS, patient


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